Donald Trump and ALEC (Koch Brothers) to Disassemble the Federal Government for Financial Gain Only

What then is the agenda of Trump via  the budget cuts and shifts?
He has clearly stated: he intends to disassemble the current Federal Structures and return power to the States. The Federal Government, then, would be just a powerless structure, except for it’s one main purpose: Military spending, military manufacture, the Military, and….. WAR.

Evil Twins?

Donald Trump and (Koch Brothers) to Disassemble the Government for Financial Gain Only

Donald Trump and (Koch Brothers) to Disassemble the Federal Government for Financial Gain Only

Eventually, programs provided to all would be eliminated. Why does the Federal Government provide the services it does, such as the past history with even not fading US POST Office?

1. There are services that cannot be patched together from one’s state laws to another’s state laws. Imagine if Airport Control Towers had personnel that were State employees and not trained, screened, and managed by the Federal Government. What if Alabama ran out of funds for advanced training of Control Tower Operators? What is they missed some key new air control or weather technology because of that missed training.

And, what if Alabama had 3 mid-air collisions from this missing information? Perhaps $100,000 was saved by not having the training, but 1,000 people died and 6 $100 million dollar jets were lost, and then the industry was plagued with consumer fear and decline of Travel revenues. What if this happened in 10 other states? What if the result of those outcomes was a cost to psyche of all of feeling safe and traveling, but also a cost to the economy of a  trillion dollars per year? What if Boeing, Expedia, and Las Vegas shut down?

2. While budget dollars of states is messy, states also have different values for services. Just yesterday, I witness on TV my Idaho State Legislators, all GOP, trying to cut taxes for Idaho residents, despite that fact that there was a shortfall to meet any budget and pay for schools and other state services?  This is a conservative GOP stated, under the influence of and the Koch Brothers:

State by State: Chipping away to secure Divide, Conquer, and Rule:

Donald Trump and (Koch Brothers) to Disassemble the Federal Government for Financial Gain Only


Donald Trump and ALEC (Koch Brothers) to Disassemble the Federal Government for Financial Gain Only

A. If you chip away at the Federal Government and its Controls you can convince all that powers need to be returned to the States and taken away from the Federal Government.
It’s fairly easy to convince people the Federal Government is bloated and stealing, and they’ll only get their money back by having local State control of laws and regulations.
B. A private party, lobby, or industry can’t fight the Federal Government’s regulating, so a State by State divide and conquer approach is needed.
C. This State by State approach is to
train State legislators via training in disinformation tactics (basically, lies, misinformation, or fear mongered distorted facts)
D.  Legislators present bills to pass, and con both the public and other legislators as to the need. Many legislators, as in my own state, are grass roots politicians, many are not worldly, know other cultures well, or have a college degree that had liberal arts education necessary to expose them to the greater world. Some have degrees from colleges, including Agriculture specific or technical degrees that do not expose students to arts, cultures, history, and the mind and brain expanding item: a second language.

Idaho is not a place where you’ll find in 1-12 schools or Ag / Tech colleges training in “critical thinking”. Critical thinking helps a person to question and analyze facts. The Critical thinker is also able to detect “false facts” rapidly, so called “alternate facts and alternate realities”. 

Most Legislators are personally well intentioned, but easily fooled by conning information from, who ply the waters with free training and meals. Though the perks are not great to be sure is not colluding, the legislators are sold on the training that “they will be taught how to introduce a bill, and bring it to an enacted law with certain methods, and that will help them retain constituents and “save the world with the far right cause of eliminating evil Federal Government”.

See the book below to find out about this type of easily swayed person: the minions, winged monkeys, and Winkies that serve the chief Narcissist. 

E. Chipping-away legislation serves the ultimate, hidden, veiled true goal of And you can have legislators and State Congresses pass bills that are Cons:

The Legislation always says and appears to oppose a corrupt evil group (vilified group), or evil or wasteful Federal Government element or issue:

 You can divide and conquer each state by with a FAKE law that erodes controls and freedom to operate by one of’s Lobbying Companies:

Examples in just one state, my own, Idaho, very vulnerable to legislature cons:

1. “The public schools” handling of it’s own internet requirements is out of control”
response: Legislature allows public control of that school internet service, and a contract goes to Governor Butch Otter’s internet cronies.

2. “School consultation, materials, online 1-12 schools are inadequately handled”
response, several layers of school administration shamed and vilified, are “privatized”. Those contracts go to cronies of Governor Butch Otter and State Senators

3. “Radical groups are filming in dairies illegally, and there is no animal abuse going on”
Response, filming is outlawed, though afterwards, many dairy farmers say they want to open their clean and human dairies to public inspection anyways….they have nothing to hide. These Dairy Farmers are warned of castigation.

In this, the work of to use scapegoating and vilification is seen, with groups being listed, and any real information:
Unfairly vilified by the right:
any human rights group
any animal rights group
any environmental, water quality, air quality rights group

I see and hear this every day in ordinary conversations:
“Damn Sierra Club, World Wildlife Fund wants to lock up all our lands”
“Damn Aclu and Damn Southern Poverty Law Center want to let our country be overrun.”

Well,  the rhetoric started someplace else, with some PT Barnum con, because Idahoans are deep down tolerant, inviting, great “animal husband persons”, and care givers to nature and the environment.

4. Despite the recent national concerns for the Sandy Hook Crisis, Idaho Legislature is focused on the “critical urgent need” to have concealed weapons allowed on State Campuses, to “protect students”. Though all facts and sane authorities pointed against this, the law passed.

Some of the laws above were stopped, but all these laws were promoted to legislators by ALEC.ORG

Why? is a narcissistic group, if we apply that personality characteristic to an organization or group:
uncaring of others
willing to discard the environment
self seeking
con, lie, deceit
plans for Divide, Conquer, and Rule
I ME MY, and BTW, thtt stuff that was formerly yours is now mine

Who in gets the plunder?
First, the egotistical and sociopathic greedy Koch Brothers. Second, the member Lobbies that form and pay for are private companies seeking:

NO government controls on their industries!


  • Gun’s on Campus serves vilifying anti-gun lobbies and protects the Gun Lobby
  • No cameras in Dairies serves the food processing industry, lessening public view of harmful processing and waste water treatment / environmental practices
  • Vilifying the public schools and privatizing schools serves the Private School Lobby (companies)

 And so on: trains Legislators
Legislators pass bills with the con: to protect the Idahoan
Laws serve:
vilify public groups
vilify the Federal Government and Reg, such as those of the EPA
erode controls to industries

Provide for Lobby Industries and Industry that has no oversight or regulation, or accountability to the public: save money, and dump your waste in the Snake River Sewage System.

Trump’s Pruitt and

“Now is our Time. And ALEC is Ready”

Recently, ALEC Executive Director Lisa Nelson told ALEC funders and members that she was thrilled to report that the Trump administration “does have the potential to be an ALEC administration. It is full of the people and ideas we’ve advanced since 1973…Now is our time. And ALEC is ready.”
ALEC allies are burrowed deep into the Trump administration. Trump VP, former Indiana Governor Mike Pence, is an ALEC booster and the Trump team has picked many with Koch and ALEC ties to fill key positions. Koch Congressman Mike Pompeo was picked for CIA chief, school voucher advocate and ALEC funder Betsy DeVos for Department of Education, and South Carolina Governor and ALEC stalwart Nikki Halley for U.N. representative.
Scott Pruitt, Trump’s controversial EPA nominee has also aided ALEC, for example by co-chairing ALEC’s Civil Justice Task Force as it cranked out anti-consumer bills. Koch operative Marc Short, who previously led the Koch Brothers’ Freedom Partners, is Trump’s Legislative Director.
As Trump garners headlines around the globe for governing by executive fiat, drafting unconstitutional religious tests for entrance into the united states and for big dollar plans to build a $25 billion dollar wall (and that is not even counting the cost of seizing private property), ALEC is cheering.
“In view of the incoming presidential administration’s focus on rolling power back to the states and the sheer number of ALEC alumni in the new administration, ALEC is the organization best positioned to bring policy experts and business leaders together for open and substantive discussions,” chirped Nelson in a December press release.

ALEC-Koch Agenda Items Moving at the Federal Level

Trump has promised to toss out the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a long desired goal of ALEC and the Koch team. ALEC has sponsored numerous bills encouraging legislators and governors to sue to block the ACA or reject Medicaid funding and leave millions without insurance. As CMD has reported, the Kochs have spent hundreds of millions backing groups to fight ACA and on political ad campaigns attacking Democrats over the ACA.
The big question here is whether Trump will keep campaign promises to ensure that the 20 million who have benefited from the ACA are covered or if he will yank the rug out from under them.
There are other areas of agreement moving at the federal level.

Donald Trump and (Koch Brothers) to Disassemble the Federal Government for Financial Gain Only

Abolishing the EPA: Two ALEC alumni Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) and Steven Palazzo (R-MS) are working with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on a bill to “completely abolish” the Environmental Protection Agency, HR 861. This has long been a desire of ALEC which has engaged in a multi-year campaign on behalf of fossil fuel interests to tear down the EPA and advance retrograde policies like the repeal of President Obama’s Clean Power Plan and the repeal of state renewable energy requirements.
The Trump campaign called for the abolishment of the “Department of Environmental” and now the administration has moved to muzzle the EPA, stop the flow of grants to states, and Myron Ebell — the transition team leader for the EPA — is threatening to cut the size of the agency in half.
REINS Act: The Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act (REINS) Act (H.R. 26), introduced January 3 by former ALEC member Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), quickly passed the House in early January. ALEC has a long standing resolution in support of the bill.
Peter Shane, at the Atlantic in The Quiet GOP Campaign Against Government Regulation, explains the deregulatory bill: “If enacted, no agency could issue a new regulation unless it amended or repealed some other rule or rules “to completely offset any annual costs of the new rule to the American economy.” In other words, if implementing a new safety rule imposes costs on the economy of $10 million per year, then the agency
Attack on Working Families: The National Right to Work Act was introduced February 1 by two former ALEC members, Reps. Steve King (R-IA) and Joe Wilson (R-SC).
The bill amends the National Labor Relations Act and the Railway Labor Act to prohibit “security clauses” in contracts labor that require employees to either join a union or pay a fee as a condition of employment. This allows workers to “opt out” of paying any dues or fees to the union, but the union would still be required by law to cover the costs of collective bargaining, administering the resulting contract, and representing employees who have grievances under the contract and the employees would still receive all the benefits of unionization (pay increases, sick pay, vacation pay, union services and other benefits of the contract). The intent of the law is to bankrupt unions nationwide.
ALEC has long peddled this union busting bill and others as ways to defund and weaken unions, who provide funding and “boots on the ground” for the democratic party. On February 3 Trump press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters that Trump “believes in right-to-work. He wants to give workers and companies the flexibility to do what’s in the best interest of job creators.”

rest of story:

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